Friday, June 18, 1999, City of London, 1999 Super 8 transferred to DVD, b/w, sound
, 8 min 12 s

Courtesy of Argos, Brussels

The liberating potential of dance to ‘take the streets’, which the situationists defended at some point in May 68 in a foretaste of the festive activism of movements like 15 M, are poetically reflected in Charley Case’s Friday, June 18, 1999, City of London, a black and white film shot in super 8 that documents
–to the rhythm of a tango- a street party organised by the Reclaim the Streets collective, well-known for activities of this sort, which return to the subversive potential of carnival and techno raves in the practice of occupying and repoliticising public space.

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Portrait of Martín Zapater (1797)

Portrait of Martín Zapater (1797)

Martín Zapater y Clavería, born in Zaragoza on November 12th 1747, came from a family of modest merchants and was taken in to live with a well-to-do aunt, Juana Faguás, and her daughter, Joaquina de Alduy. He studied with Goya in the Escuelas Pías school in Zaragoza from 1752 to 1757 and a friendship arose between them which was to last until the death of Zapater in 1803. 

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