Expedition Content

  • September 29, 2022 / 19:00
  • October 8, 2022 / 18:00
  • October 22, 2022 / 18:00
  • October 28, 2022 / 19:00

Directors: Ernst Karel, Veronika Kusumaryati
2020, 78', HDD, b&w, color
English, Mid Grand Valley Dani, Dutch with Turkish subtitles

In their nearly imageless film constructed from the audio archive of the 1961 Harvard Peabody Expedition to Netherlands New Guinea, Karel and Kusumaryati document the strange encounter between the researchers and the indigenous Hubula people of New Guinea. Expedition Content explores and upends the power dynamics between anthropologist and subject, between image and sound, offering a parallax image of the histories of ethnographic recording and colonialism.





Taking the Horse to Eat Jalebis

Taking the Horse to Eat Jalebis

From the Pole to the Equator

From the Pole to the Equator

Expedition Content

Expedition Content

Where is the Friend’s House?

Where is the Friend’s House?

Taking Pictures

Taking Pictures

Cannibal Tours

Cannibal Tours





Pacific 3, 2, 1, Zero (Part 1)

Pacific 3, 2, 1, Zero (Part 1)

the time is now. (I+II)

the time is now. (I+II)

Landscape #4: How to Improve the World

Landscape #4: How to Improve the World

Letters from Panduranga

Letters from Panduranga



Tellurian Drama

Tellurian Drama

Post-Military Cinema

Post-Military Cinema

Some Questions on the Nature of Your Existence

Some Questions on the Nature of Your Existence

A hook but no fish

A hook but no fish

Mud Man

Mud Man

Returning Souls

Returning Souls

{if your bait can sing the wild one will come} Like Shadows Through Leaves

{if your bait can sing the wild one will come} Like Shadows Through Leaves



Pera Museum’s Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition curated by Ali Akay and Alenka Gregorič brings together contemporary artists from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.



Having penetrated the Balkans in the fourteenth century, conquered Constantinople in the fifteenth, and reached the gates of Vienna in the sixteenth, the Ottoman Empire long struck fear into European hearts. 

The Ottoman Way of Serving Coffee

The Ottoman Way of Serving Coffee

Coffee was served with much splendor at the harems of the Ottoman palace and mansions. First, sweets (usually jam) was served on silverware, followed by coffee serving. The coffee jug would be placed in a sitil (brazier), which had three chains on its sides for carrying, had cinders in the middle, and was made of tombac, silver or brass. The sitil had a satin or silk cover embroidered with silver thread, tinsel, sequin or even pearls and diamonds.