
  • November 21, 2020 / 16:15

Director: Pierre Reynard
France, 2020, 25', HDD, color
French with Turkish, English subtitles

"At the end of every street, there’s a mountain" the Stendhal’s phrase is well known and every resident of the large region of Grenoble experiences it on a daily basis... City, mountain - this relationship shapes the region far beyond its landscape. Through scientific observation, tourism and sporting activities, through the very living conditions of these spaces, we question the primordial role of a social imaginary, witness of our relationship to the world. The observation of this territory not only then takes on a universal dimension but it also allows each person to look into a Mirror, revealing the reflection of our society.

How We Grow

How We Grow

Food for Change

Food for Change

Shade Grown Coffee

Shade Grown Coffee

Climate Limbo

Climate Limbo

Jozi Gold

Jozi Gold

Seeds of Profit

Seeds of Profit

Mega Fires

Mega Fires

Hacking for the Commons

Hacking for the Commons

Lords of Water

Lords of Water



The New Breed: The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur

The New Breed: The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur



A Fistful of Rubbish

A Fistful of Rubbish



The Promise of Biomimicry

The Promise of Biomimicry

Stolen Fish

Stolen Fish

Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times

Nations United: Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times

A Regenerative Secret

A Regenerative Secret

From Weedy Forests to Grassy Woodlands

From Weedy Forests to Grassy Woodlands

The Compost Story

The Compost Story

How We Live: A Journey Towards a Just Transition

How We Live: A Journey Towards a Just Transition

The Conventions of Identity

The Conventions of Identity

The exhibition “Look At Me! Portraits and Other Fictions from the ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection” examined portraiture, one of the oldest artistic genres, through a significant number of works of our times. Paintings, photographs, sculptures and videos shaped a labyrinth of gazes that invite spectators to reflect themselves in the social mirror of portraits.

The Welcoming of Venetian Balios to Ottoman Lands

The Welcoming of Venetian Balios to Ottoman Lands

The series of paintings depicting the audience ceremonies of European ambassadors hold a unique place among the works of Jean-Baptiste Vanmour of Valenciennes, who lived in İstanbul from 1699 until his death in 1737.

At The Well

At The Well

Tadeusz Ajdukiewicz discovered the Orient in 1877, touring Syria, Egypt, Turkey, and the Crimea with Władysław Branicki. This experience made a profound impression on him, and he was to continuously revisit Eastern themes in his works for the rest of his life.