Jozi Gold

  • November 20, 2020 / 16:30

Directors: Sylvia Vollenhoven, Fredrik Gertten
Sweden, 2019, 74', HDD, color
English with Turkish subtitles

Grandmother and environmental activist Mariette Liefferink is up against the richest mining corporations in South Africa. The golden era of mining has left behind 600 kilotons of waste uranium which is not only polluting one of Africa’s biggest aquifers, but raining over the city as fine dust. With 1,6 million people living on radioactive grounds, she is on a mission to force the gold industry to clean up the remains of over a century of gold mining.

How We Grow

How We Grow

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Food for Change

Shade Grown Coffee

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Jozi Gold

Jozi Gold

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From Weedy Forests to Grassy Woodlands

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How We Live: A Journey Towards a Just Transition

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The Vanity of Small Differences

The Vanity of Small Differences

The Vanity of Small Differences is a series of six large scale tapestries, completed in 2012, which explore British fascination with taste and class, and can be seen in the Grayson Perry: Small Differences exhibition. 

Souvenirs of the Future

Souvenirs of the Future

You try to remember the future. A bird painted on the ceramic panel in a historical palace has found its place on the wall. The tiles of a church and a mosque have been painted on canvas. The pattern of a centuries-old ceramic plate appears before you on a velvet curtain.

 Who Is Pablo Picasso?

Who Is Pablo Picasso?

Born on October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain, Pablo Picasso’s full name takes about two lines: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso.