Hacking for the Commons

  • November 19, 2020 / 16:15

Director: Philippe Borrel
France, 2019, 87', HDD, color
French, English with Turkish and English subtitles

Nowadays, IT is at the heart of almost all human activity. Has it helped to make us more autonomous citizens? Or has it transformed us into passive consumers of a market which became globalized? We are not even aware that, at the heart of technology, two rationales are now clashing: since the 80’s, the emancipatory principles of free software movements began to attack the exclusive and “private” ones defending intellectual property rights. Free software, free seeds, free medicine, free knowledge… Focusing on freedom, cooperation and sharing, these movements aim to restore the users’ autonomy and power, leading to a world free of patents, for the benefit of the common good.

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Hacking for the Commons

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1638, the year Louis XIV was born –his second name, Dieudonné, alluding to his God-given status– saw the diffusion of a cult of maternity encouraged by the very devout Anne of Austria, in thanks for the miracle by which she had given birth to an heir to the French throne. Simon François de Tours (1606-1671) painted the Queen in the guise of the Virgin Mary, and the young Louis XIV as the infant Jesus, in the allegorical portrait now in the Bishop’s Palace at Sens.

The Vanity of Small Differences

The Vanity of Small Differences

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Serpent Head

Serpent Head

The Greek god Apollo and his son Asklepios presided over the realm of medicine and healing. Apollo was also the god of light and sun, whose solar symbolism and association with medicine would become linked to Christ the Physician, and the resurrected.