Monrovia, Indiana

  • April 5, 2019 / 21:30
  • April 7, 2019 / 16:00

Director: Frederick Wiseman
USA, 2018, 143’, color
English with Turkish subtitle

Following his epic previous film--Ex Libris--about the New York Public Library, which was screened at the 37th Istanbul Film Festival in 2018, master documentarian Frederick Wiseman returns with Monrovia Indiana—his new film that focuses on rural America. This time, Wiseman turns his camera to the town of Monrovia where Trump received 76% of the votes in the latest Presidential election. The maestro casts a nonjudgmental look at the daily routines, lives and beliefs of the residents of small towns, whose influence on the American politics continue despite their shrinking populations, in contrast to large cities.

Chris the Swiss

Chris the Swiss



The Man Who Stole Banksy

The Man Who Stole Banksy

Monrovia, Indiana

Monrovia, Indiana

Young and Alive

Young and Alive

Circus Rwanda

Circus Rwanda

Meeting Gorbachev

Meeting Gorbachev

Don’t Work (1968 – 2018)

Don’t Work (1968 – 2018)

Putin’s Witnesses

Putin’s Witnesses

The Silence of Others

The Silence of Others

Our Defeats

Our Defeats

Finding Farideh

Finding Farideh


Monrovia, Indiana



Having penetrated the Balkans in the fourteenth century, conquered Constantinople in the fifteenth, and reached the gates of Vienna in the sixteenth, the Ottoman Empire long struck fear into European hearts. 

The Ottoman Way of Serving Coffee

The Ottoman Way of Serving Coffee

Coffee was served with much splendor at the harems of the Ottoman palace and mansions. First, sweets (usually jam) was served on silverware, followed by coffee serving. The coffee jug would be placed in a sitil (brazier), which had three chains on its sides for carrying, had cinders in the middle, and was made of tombac, silver or brass. The sitil had a satin or silk cover embroidered with silver thread, tinsel, sequin or even pearls and diamonds.

I Copy Therefore I Am

I Copy Therefore I Am

Suggesting alternative models for new social and economic systems, SUPERFLEX works appear before us as energy systems, beverages, sculptures, copies, hypnosis sessions, infrastructure, paintings, plant nurseries, contracts, or specifically designed public spaces.