The Last Sentence

  • March 8, 2014 / 18:00
  • March 29, 2014 / 19:00

Director: Jan Troell
Cast: Jesper Christensen, Pernilla August, Ulla Skoog, Björn Granath
Sweden 124’, 2012, black and white

Swedish with Turkish subtitles

Torgny Segerstedt was one of the leading journalists in Sweden in the 20th century. He fought a one man battle against Hitler and the Nazi regime until his death in 1945 and during these tumultuous times his private life was marked by a world in chaos, as he falls in love with his friend's wife while married himself. THE LAST SENTENCE weaves together the story of a psychological love story with a portrayal of the political situation Sweden found itself in during the Second World War. A gripping, dramatic and poetic tale about a man, who could not be silenced.



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The Last Sentence

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