Museum From Outside to Inside

Pera Kids
Ages 9-12

  • May 18, 2024 / 10:30

Children visiting Pera Museum have the opportunity to experience it layer by layer, from its exterior facade to its floors, from Osman Hamdi Bey exhibition floor to his fictional workspace, and finally inside the painting The Tortoise Trainer. At the end of this process, the children create a design that encompasses all these layers. They are invited to embark on this journey, which includes different and interactive stages such as a museum tour, virtual reality experience, and artistic production.

Capacity: 10 people
Duration: 90 minutes

The event is free of charge. Reservation is required.
The event will take place in the Pera Museum (face-to-face).
For more information:

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Memory Building Memories / Memory Room / Memento Mori

Each memory tells an intimate story; each collection presents us with the reality of containing an intimate story as well. The collection is akin to a whole in which many memories and stories of the artist, the viewer, and the collector are brought together. At the heart of a collection is memory, nurtured from the past and projecting into the future.

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Face to Face

Face to Face

A firm believer in the idea that a collection needs to be upheld at least by four generations and comparing this continuity to a relay race, Nahit Kabakcı began creating the Huma Kabakcı Collection from the 1980s onwards.