Crystal Clear Online Exhibition Tour (High School)

School Groups
High School


As part of the “Crystal Clear” exhibition, which high school students will get to experience with a guide, we will talk about the concepts of carbon footprint, ecology, sustainability, recycling and healing, drawing on the metaphorical aspects of crystals and minerals. We will discuss the works included in the Crystal Clear exhibition, which takes crystals and their vibrant matter as a point of departure with a view to developing a contained ecosystem with diverse entanglements of the production, display, and recycling of the artistic, curatorial, and institutional work, material and immaterial. 

Weekday Online Learning Program
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday


Online Learning Programs are free for high school students.
Reservation is required for groups, which should include no less than 10 and no more than 60 participants. After the reservation is confirmed, the workshop link will only be sent to the e-mail address used for registration. 

Related Exhibition: Crystal Clear

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