
Henri-Cartier Bresson


January 31 - April 9, 2006

The exhibition, curated by Robert Delpire, was organized in collaboration with Pera Museum, Magnum Photos and Fondation Henri Cartier Bresson and introduced the great master of the 20th century to visitors with more than a hundred of his photographs.

According to Henri Cartier-Bresson, “to photograph: it is to put on the same line of sight the head, the eye and the heart. It is a way of life.” The majority of his work aims to reveal, within a "decisive moment”, the universal dimensions of seemingly ordinary events that surround us.

Exhibition Catalogue

Henri-Cartier Bresson

Henri-Cartier Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson practiced, after the fashion of the surrealists whom he knew, an automatic writing applied to the world of the image: "To photograph", he said, "is to bring the head, the eye...

Remembering the Future

Remembering the Future

How can the future be imagined by looking at a collection or an archive? The lasting quality of ceramics allows us to ponder how the future might be remembered through a ceramics collection, since they render conceivable time eternal.

Memory Building Memories / Memory Room / Memento Mori

Memory Building Memories / Memory Room / Memento Mori

Each memory tells an intimate story; each collection presents us with the reality of containing an intimate story as well. The collection is akin to a whole in which many memories and stories of the artist, the viewer, and the collector are brought together. At the heart of a collection is memory, nurtured from the past and projecting into the future.

Giacometti: Early Works

Giacometti: Early Works

Organized in collaboration with the Giacometti Foundation, Paris, the exhibition explores Giacometti’s prolific life, most of which the artist led in his studio in Montparnasse, through the works of his early period as well his late work, including one unfinished piece. Devoted to Giacometti’s early works, the first part of the exhibition demonstrates the influence of Giovanni Giacometti, the father of the artist and a Swiss Post-Impressionist painter himself, on Giacometti’s output during these years and his role in his son’s development.