Workshop for Teachers: Mixed Media


  • March 16, 2023 / 19:30

In this workshop, teachers tour the exhibition online with a guide and chat about the works of art, the image of women in art and women artists. Based on the stories in Rego's works and a saying of John Berger: "Never again shall a single story be told as though it were the only one", the teachers construct their stories based on the given keywords and then illustrate them. The participants share both their feelings and the story of their production based on the works that they create. 

Drawing paper

Related Exhibition: Paula Rego: The Story of Stories

Instructor: Filiz Kara Bilgin
Capacity: 50 participants
Duration: 75 minutes

At the end of the event, participants will receive a certificate by e-mail. For events held on the Zoom Meeting application, the online guided exhibition tour will be followed by an exhibition-themed workshop.

Your camera and microphone must be turned on in order for the instructor to see the participants and give personalized instructions. Every participant who is registered is considered to have accepted these conditions.

The event is free-of-charge, but reservation is required.
For more information:

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