Possibilities of the Surface, the Order of Possibilities

Pera Adult

  • November 22, 2024 / 19:00

Participants visit Calculations and Coincidences, which brings together the individual practices of Molnár, Maurer and Rákóczy in relation to each other and offers the opportunity to witness how the artists shaped the art of algorithms. In the workshop, participants create three-dimensional paintings by painting wooden cubes and various geometric shapes in different colors and patterns, and then gluing them onto pressed canvas in an algorithmic order of their choosing.

Capacity: 15 people
Duration: 90 minutes
Fee per workshop: 350 TL

The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).

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Today's Stories: Coal <br>Pelin Buzluk

Today's Stories: Coal
Pelin Buzluk

Inspired by the exhibition Istanbuls Today, Today's Stories series starts with Pelin Buzluk's story "Coal"! TThis series gathers short stories written by authors encouraged by the photographs in the exhibition.

Today's Stories: Cihangir <br>Özge Baykan Calafato

Today's Stories: Cihangir
Özge Baykan Calafato

Inspired by the exhibition Istanbuls TodayToday's Stories series continues with Özge Baykan Calafato's story "Cihangir"! This series gathers short stories written by authors encouraged by the photographs in the exhibition.

Today's Stories: Felis <br> Hande Ortaç

Today's Stories: Felis
Hande Ortaç

Inspired by the exhibition Istanbuls Today, Today's Stories series continues with Hande Ortaç's story "Felis"! This series gathers short stories written by authors encouraged by the photographs in the exhibition.