Papier-Mâché: Grotesque Figures

Pera Adult

  • March 17, 2023 / 19:00

We design peculiar figures with papier-mâché, a composite material that Paula Rego often uses to create realistic scenes that will be model for her drawings! This workshop is based on Rego's work titled "The Oratorio", a large cabinet containing the artist's eight paintings on its surfaces and grotesque doll figures in the center. In the workshop, the participants experience the diversity of expressions offered by the human body and the way an expression can take form. Experiencing several different papier-mâché techniques in the workshop, the participants follow the forms they create with improvisation inspired by the works in the exhibition.

Related Exhibition: Paula Rego:The Story of Stories 

Instructor: Giz’li Atölye Kolektifi
Ages: 18 years and older
Capacity: 15 people
Duration: 120 minutes
Fee per workshop: 150 TL
Fee per workshop for students: 75 TL

This event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).

For more information:

About Giz’li Atölye Kolektifi
Giz’li Atölye has been operating in Caferağa, Kadıköy since 2004, established with the cooperation of Gizem Gürsel and Sedef Kermen. Giz’li Atölye has recently turned into a collective production area by incorporating different disciplines and continues its creative activities by incorporating solidarity, diversity of ideas and communication experiences into its art practices.

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