Maracas Workshop

Pera Kids
Ages 4-6

  • November 16, 2022 / 10:30
  • November 18, 2022 / 13:00
  • November 19, 2022 / 10:30

We examine the installation of bronze instruments created using various materials by Sriwhana Spong, one of the artists of the 17th Istanbul Biennial. In the workshop, we design our fun instruments with various materials such as spoons, colored eggs, chenille and bells.

Related Exhibition: 17th Istanbul Biennial

Duration: 90 minutes
Capacity: 15 people

This event is free of charge but requires a reservation.
The event will be (face to face) at the Pera Museum.
For more information:

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Rational Medicine in Byzantium

Rational Medicine in Byzantium

Byzantine medical art was grounded in the Greco-Roman medicine transmitted by Hippocrates and Galen and new concepts introduced by such physicians as Oribasios of Pergamon, Aetius of Amida, Alexander of Tralles and Paul of Aegina. 

Medicinal Herbs in Byzantium

Medicinal Herbs in Byzantium

Knowledge of plants and the practice of healing are closely entwined. The toxic or hallucinogenic nature of some roots, and the dangers associated with picking them, conferred a mythical or magical character and power. 

Wondrous Cures in Constantinople

Wondrous Cures in Constantinople

The shrines that created the glory of Constantinople through their lavish beauty were also repositories of precious relics and thus sources of healing.