

An Extraordinary Master of Hungarian Painting

October 21 - December 12, 2010

Csontváry was an artist poised at the turn of the twentieth century. The richness and complexity in his works cannot be characterized utilizing the conventions of stylistic categories. Realistic observation, emphasis on changing light, the decorative, orgiastic use of color characteristic of Post-Impressionism, the large-scale handling of form and the strong diffraction of the colors often appear simultaneously on the same canvas.

The exhibition invited us to discover the works of this extraordinary Hungarian artist, who wrote poetry with paintings that reflect his vision beyond the currents of the period, his unique colors, his symbolic narrative, and the ""divine voice"" he claims to have heard.

"As a schoolboy I hated memorizing by heart; I looked at the Bible as a tale, and I rather longed to be outside in nature to listen to the warbling of the nightingale, to gaze at a flower here and there, where the polliniferous petals were busy with whole swarms of butterflies, bees, bumblebees and insects."

Exhibition Catalogue



Csontváry was an artist of the turn of the century. The richness and complexity in his works cannot be characterised based on stylistic categories. Realistic observation, emphasis on the changing...

“My body is my sculpture” <br> Louise Bourgeois

“My body is my sculpture”
Louise Bourgeois

Pera Museum, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), is one of the main venues for this year’s 15th Istanbul Biennial from 16 September to 12 November 2017. Through the biennial, we will be sharing detailed information about the artists and the artworks. 

Los Caprichos

Los Caprichos

It can be seen how Goya gradually and constantly investigated all the technical possibilities of creative engraving from etching to lithography. 

Midnight Horror Stories: Pollens, Photosynthesis & Rock ‘N’ Roll <br> Murat Başekim

Midnight Horror Stories: Pollens, Photosynthesis & Rock ‘N’ Roll
Murat Başekim

Pera Museum Blog is launching a new series of creepy stories in collaboration with Turkey’s Fantasy and Science Fiction Arts Association (FABISAD). The Association’s member writers are presenting newly commissioned short horror stories inspired by the artworks of Mario Prassinos as part of the Museum’s In Pursuit of an Artist: Istanbul-Paris-Istanbul exhibition. The third story is by Murat Başekim! The stories will be published online throughout the exhibition. Stay tuned!