Çelenk Bafra
School Square Garden

Curators' Tour

September 18, 2018 / 19:00

Join us for a guided tour of the School Square Garden exhibition with the curator Çelenk Bafra. The tour will offer a unique insight to the works of the exhibition.

Pera Museum presents a contemporary exhibition exploring the multi-layered architectural, art-historical and sociological significance of the Galatasaray High School on the occasion of its 150th anniversary. The exhibition curated by Çelenk Bafra takes on the name of “school” (“mektep”) in reference to the name of the institution still remembered as and called “the school” by its graduates even today, to the deep-rooted history of the building and its character as a place of education.

The tour will be in Turkish.
Admission: 30 TL  (Free for Friends of the Museum) 
Tickets can be purchased on Biletix. Or to book please e-mail: resepsiyon@peramuzesi.org.tr
Places are limited. 

Temporary Exhibition

School Square

Pera Museum presented a contemporary exhibition exploring the multi-layered architectural, art-historical and sociological significance of the Galatasaray High School on the occasion of its 150th anniversary. 

School Square<br> Galatasaray

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