Linoleum Print: Dreams and Figures

Pera Kids
Ages 4-6

  • April 8, 2023 / 10:30
  • April 15, 2023 / 10:30
  • April 29, 2023 / 10:30

Children experience the colorful works of Paula Rego with fairy-tale characters with a guided tour and reveal their artistic productions with various printing techniques in this workshop. 

Children color the linoleum sheets on which some figures they see in the works are engraved with the paints they want and apply them to papers with the printing method. They decorate their works with textured materials such as string, tin foil, corrugated cardboard, and bubble wrap.

Related Exhibition: Paula Rego: The Story of Stories

Ages: 4-6
Capacity: 15 people
Duration: 90 minutes
Fee per workshop: 100 TL 

This event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).
PERAcard FAMILY members are eligible for discount rates.

For more information:

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