Collective Patterns with Print

Pera Adult

  • November 17, 2024 / 14:00

After visiting Calculations and Coincidences, the participants design various patterns inspired by the exhibition and create motifs with them. The participants then prepare textured printing templates of the patterns they have created using different materials such as cardboard, eva, string. Then, the templates are printed in different ways on the papers passed from hand to hand among the participants and collective works are produced as many as the number of participants.

Instructor: Pley Studio
Capacity: 15 people
Duration: 90 minutes
Fee per workshop: 350 TL

The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).

About Pley Studio
Pley is a creative design studio that is based on the concept of playfulness. Aiming to help people stretch possibilities and enter the magical circle—namely, a free and playful state of mind—Pley uses open-endedness as a tool. Addressing the concept of 'homo ludens', which advocates that humans are playful beings, Pley serves as a guide to the game, appealing to both children and adults who engage in play.

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The Horse Figure in Mersad Berber’s Works

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Witches’ Sun
Mehmet Berk Yaltırık

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