
Beyond Experience

Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Fine Arts

August 10 - September 30, 2012

Since its inauguration, Pera Museum has been instrumental in promoting young artists and institutions of art education by opening its exhibition floors during the summer months.  In 2012, the museum hosted Dokuz Eylül University’s Faculty of Fine Arts from İzmir.  The faculty, comprised of a wide range of departments, carries the additional distinction of being the first university faculty of fine arts in Turkey. The faculty, with 40 academic years behind it, aims to create a model of education whereby theory and practice, the traditional and the contemporary, the pioneering and the conceptual coincide in harmony.  The exhibition Beyond Experience, consisted of selected works by young artists and designers from the Faculty of Fine Arts, aiming to establish itself as a groundwork for aesthetic experience through a plethora of modes of self-expression, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, installation, stage design, graphic design, photography, and film.

packing and transport sponsor

Exhibition Catalogue

Beyond Experience

Beyond Experience

Dokuz Eylül University’s Faculty of Fine Arts from İzmir, which comprises of a wide range of departments, carries the additional distinction of being the first university faculty of fine arts in...


Niko Pirosmani

Niko Pirosmani

“A nameless Egyptian fresco, an African idol or a vase from Crete: we should behold Pirosmani’s art among them. Only this way it is possible to conceive it genuinely … …You see Pirosmani – you believe in Georgia”.
Grigol Robakidze

At The Well

At The Well

Tadeusz Ajdukiewicz discovered the Orient in 1877, touring Syria, Egypt, Turkey, and the Crimea with Władysław Branicki. This experience made a profound impression on him, and he was to continuously revisit Eastern themes in his works for the rest of his life. 

Mark Požlep

Mark Požlep

Our Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition focuses on different generations of artists and art groups from the Balkan region. Throughout the exhibition, we keep sharing detailed information about the artworks. Take a look at Mark Požlep’s “Stranger than Paradise” video installation. Also you can check our interview with the artist on our YouTube channel!