You look nice in your hair!
Asa Jungnelius and Ahu Antmen


April 8, 2014 / 19:00

In conjunction with the exhibition Aurora: Contemporary Nordic Glass Art, Asa Jungnelius, a remarkable name from Sweden’s young generation of artists, will be in conversation with art critic Ahu Antmen. The conversation will focus on Nordic countries’ well-established contemporary glass art tradition and how it has evolved, alongside an examination of Asa Jungnelius’ work, which poses questions on identity, gender and consumer society.

The event will be held in English and will be simultaneously translated into Turkish. Free of admissions.

in collaboration

Temporary Exhibition


The glass artists hailing from Northern European countries, presented us here in İstanbul with contemporary interpretations of glass, a material inherited from past cultures.


Modernity Building the Modern / Reshaping the Modern

Modernity Building the Modern / Reshaping the Modern

A firm believer in the idea that a collection needs to be upheld at least by four generations and comparing this continuity to a relay race, Nahit Kabakcı began creating the Huma Kabakcı Collection from the 1980s onwards. Today, the collection can be considered one of the most important and outstanding examples among the rare, consciously created, and long-lasting ones of its kind in Turkey.

The Golden Horn

The Golden Horn

When regarding the paintings of Istanbul by western painters, Golden Horn has a distinctive place and value. This body of water that separates the Topkapı Palace and the Historical Peninsula, in which monumental edifices are located, from Galata, where westerners and foreign embassies dwell, is as though an interpenetrating boundary.

Postcard Nudes

Postcard Nudes

The various states of viewing nudity entered the Ottoman world on postcards before paintings. These postcards appeared in the 1890s, and became widespread in the 1910s, following the proclamation of the Second Constitutional Monarchy, traveling from hand to hand, city to city.