On School and the Bell
Çelenk Bafra, Burak Delier, Ali Kazma and Prof. Dr. Tarkan Okçuoğlu


November 15, 2018 / 18:30

Join curator Çelenk Bafra, artists Ali Kazma and Burak Delier as well as art historian Prof. Dr. Tarkan Okçuoğlu for a talk in relation to Pera Museum’s School Square Galatasaray exhibition. Focusing on Ali Kazma’s photographs from Galatasaray High School  “School” (Resistance series, 2013) and Burak Delier’s work “The Bell: Scenes from a Coming School” (2018)  produced in cooperation with GSL Drama Club, the talk focuses on a discussion on education and  the mechanisms of control, compliance and resistance in relation to school life.

Free admission, drop in. The event will take place in the auditorium. The talk will be in Turkish.

Temporary Exhibition

School Square

Pera Museum presented a contemporary exhibition exploring the multi-layered architectural, art-historical and sociological significance of the Galatasaray High School on the occasion of its 150th anniversary. 

School Square<br> Galatasaray

Giacometti: Early Works

Giacometti: Early Works

Organized in collaboration with the Giacometti Foundation, Paris, the exhibition explores Giacometti’s prolific life, most of which the artist led in his studio in Montparnasse, through the works of his early period as well his late work, including one unfinished piece. Devoted to Giacometti’s early works, the first part of the exhibition demonstrates the influence of Giovanni Giacometti, the father of the artist and a Swiss Post-Impressionist painter himself, on Giacometti’s output during these years and his role in his son’s development. 

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Pera Museum presented a talk on Nicola Lorini’s video installation For All the Time, for All the Sad Stones, bringing together the artists Nicola Lorini, Gülşah Mursaloğlu and Ambiguous Standards Institute to focus on concepts like measuring, calculation, standardisation, time and change.

Remembering the Future

Remembering the Future

How can the future be imagined by looking at a collection or an archive? The lasting quality of ceramics allows us to ponder how the future might be remembered through a ceramics collection, since they render conceivable time eternal.